
50 Chapel Street,
P.O. Box 85
Windsor, New York, 13865

Sunday Eucharist 10:00 am

Rev. Geoff Doolittle

Senior Warden:
Cindy DeMarmels

Junior Warden:
Sue Rambo

Shelly Bennett,
Marjorie Hull,
Casey Hull
Judy Williams,
Becky Williams

Publishers of Tidings Newsletter:
Sue Rambo, Cindy DeMarmels

Our Mission:
Zion's mission is to love
and support one another
while growing in faith,
and to continue the mission
of Christ in the world.

Our Services and event details can also be accessed on our Facebook page.

Follow the Daily readings from home or while traveling:

Check out the Forward Day By Day online!
It automatically defaults to the current date.


Thank you to ALL who help to make Christmas at Zion so lovely!


All are Welcome at Zion Episcopal Church
Service of Holy Eucharist - Sundays at 10:00 AM
with Rev. Geoff Doolittle

Blessing of the Animals

Christmas at Zion is lovely and special!

Everybody loves a Baptism

Flowering of the Cross on Trinity Sunday

Some of our Acolytes

We love to cook together at Zion!

Twice a year our parishioners host a Fly In Breakfast at White Birch airfield in Hancock, NY.

We serve a full breakfast for $9. All are welcome to drive up or fly in! It's great fun!

Need Directions? Search White Birch Airport, 333 Airport Rd, Hancock, NY 13783

Click here for more info about Zion's events!

Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers,
for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

Hebrews 13:2

Thank you to all who shop through Zion's "Amazon Smile" link!
With every purchase made using our special code (below) we receive donations from Amazon.com
which we can then use to further our missions in the community and in the world.

Click here and shop!



Zion Episcopal Church
50 Chapel Street,
PO Box 85

Windsor, NY 13865
(607) 693-1805